If you have a wide range of experience working in the Automotive Body Repairing Technology but haven't completed your program for whatever reason, then you’re in the right place. Getting your Mechanic experience and skills converted into a nationally recognised qualification is simple, fast and headache free! We will help you attain the right qualification and subjects you need for your Automotive Repairing licence.
The Automotive Body Repair Technology scope of work includes but is not limited to repairing vehicle chassis, frame and associated components, remove and store vehicle body components, repair vehicle body misalignment, Remove, replace and align bolt-on vehicle body panels and components, repair vehicle body panels using filler and apply original equipment manufacturer repair procedures during vehicle repairs.
At least 2 years relevant industry experience in a wide range of Automotive Body Repair Technology with a licensed person.
100 Pts ID JP Certified, Referee Testimonial Min 2 yrs Exp, Video, Photo
1) Be a 'fit and proper person'
Fair Trading will perform checks (including financial and police checks) to determine whether you are a fit and proper person.
2) Have the required qualification
Panel Beater who repairs the structural components, frames, or panels of motor vehicles need the following qualifications: