The Concreting RPL program covers the skills and knowledge needed to work as a concreter in the construction industry. The course covers topics such as preparing and constructing concrete structures, reading and interpreting plans and specifications, and applying OH&S requirements. It is suitable for individuals who wish to enter the industry or for those who are already working in the field and wish to upgrade their skills and knowledge.
Concreters scope of work includes but is not limited to determining concrete supply requirements, place concrete, finish concrete, cure concrete, place and fix reinforcement materials, carry out hand excavation, cut concrete, repair and rectify concrete, construct tilt panels on site and operate concrete agitator trucks.
At least 2 years relevant industry experience in a wide range of Concreting work with a licensed Concreter or Builder.
100 Pts ID JP Certified, White Card JP Certified, Referee Testimonial Min 4 yrs Exp, Video, Photo
According to NSW Fair Trading, tradies who are looking to apply for General Concreting license will need to have the relevant inindustry knowledge and experience and have completed one of the following:
1) CPC30320 - Certificate III in Concreting
2) CPC31511 - Certificate III in Formwork/Falsework